Service Information
Operated by: Carousel.
At: 2024-10-12, 17:08:00.
Fleet Number: 894 (BF62JZN)
Mileage: 3.02 miles
Service: 106
From: Little Chalfont Chalfont & Latimer Station
To: Amersham Station

Livery: Carousel

Branding: the one
Type: Mercedes-Benz Citaro O530
Bustimes: cslb-894
Double Decker: No
Coach: No

Stop Name Time Options
Little Chalfont Chalfont & Latimer Station17:08:00
Little Chalfont Elizabeth Avenue17:10:00
Little Chalfont Latimer Close17:10:01
Little Chalfont Cavendish Close17:12:00
Amersham The White Lion PH17:13:00
Amersham Chiltern Heights17:13:01
Amersham The Pineapple PH17:14:00
Amersham Village Hall17:14:01
Amersham Blackhorse Bridge17:15:00
Amersham Plantation Road17:16:00
Amersham Green Lane17:16:01
Amersham Leisure Centre17:17:00
Amersham Doctor Challoner's School17:19:00
Amersham Oakfield Corner17:19:01
Amersham Station17:20:00