Service Information
Operated by: Carousel.
At: 2025-01-10, 15:20:00.
Fleet Number: 208 (HF09OXF)
Mileage: 5.75 miles
Service: 36
From: Bourne End Academy
To: High Wycombe Marlow Hill Schools

Livery: Connector

Type: Scania N230UD ADL Enviro400
Bustimes: thtr-208
Double Decker: Yes
Coach: No

Stop Name Time Options
Bourne End Academy15:20:00
Bourne End Loddon Road15:22:00
Bourne End Waborne Road15:23:00
Flackwell Heath Blind Lane15:26:00
Flackwell Heath The Green Dragon PH15:27:00
Flackwell Heath Northern Woods15:28:00
Flackwell Heath Straight Bit15:29:00
Flackwell Heath Chapman Lane15:30:00
Flackwell Heath The Common15:32:00
Flackwell Heath Fernlea Close15:33:00
Flackwell Heath The Stag PH15:33:01
Flackwell Heath Rugwood Road15:34:00
Flackwell Heath Bucks College Group15:35:00
High Wycombe Pine Trees15:39:00
High Wycombe St Michael's School15:41:00
High Wycombe Marlow Hill Schools15:45:00