Service Information
Operated by: The Big Lemon.
At: 2024-10-05, 15:46:00.
Fleet Number: EFK (PX55EFK)
Mileage: 3.43 miles
Service: 47
From: Brighton Station
To: Brighton Marina

Livery: The Big Lemon

Type: Dennis Dart SLF Plaxton Pointer 2
Bustimes: chlk-px55-efk
Double Decker: No
Coach: No

Stop Name Time Options
Brighton Station15:46:00
Brighton North Road15:48:00
Brighton Clock Tower15:50:00
Brighton Portland Street15:50:01
Brighton North Street15:51:00
Brighton St James's Street15:53:00
Brighton Devonshire Place15:54:00
Kemp Town Rock Gardens15:55:00
Kemp Town Bedford Street North15:56:00
Kemp Town Shops15:58:00
Kemp Town Abbey Road15:59:00
Kemp Town County Hospital16:01:00
Kemp Town Chesham Street16:01:01
Kemp Town St Mary's Hall16:03:00
Brighton Lidl Superstore16:04:00
Brighton Roedean Road16:06:00
Brighton Marina Cinema16:12:00
Brighton Marina16:15:00